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Level Up 21 Day Challenge
Join the 21 Day Community Yoga and Movement Challenge from January 6th-26th and Level Up your practice!
The goal of this community challenge is to level up your practice by moving for 21 Days straight! You can simply join for fun or follow the Official Rules to Win yourself amazing prizes!
Grand Prize Winners Will Receive
3 Level Up finalist will be choosen to win the Grand Prize of $250 training credit with B Movement Academy, a 1 Year Subcription to the BMTV App and a new Carmu Yoga Mat.
Official Level Up Rules
To Win the Level Up Grand Prize
Follow us @bmovementacademy on Instagram.
You must either subscribed to BMTV via Monthly or Annual Studio Pass or Purchase the Level Up Calendar Class Pass.
Post on Instagram of you doing the 21 Day Challenge, Teachers will select the 3 finalists to Win the Grand Prize based off consistency, creativity and progress within the challenge!
Posts can be made either on your Instagram story or feed and tagging @bmovementacademy + using the hashtag #levelupjanuary , the more posts we see the better your chances at winning!
You must start the Challenge between January 6th-11th. We will stop viewing posts on January 27th and announce the Winners shortly after!
Better your Chances at Winning the Grand Prize by showing us your progress and consistency. We want to see you move for 21 Days straight! Remember to have fun and do this for you!
Subscribe to BMTV
Access Level Up Calendar by Finding a Plan that Suits you best.
Where are the Trainings taking place?The day prior to the training you’ll be sent a ZOOM link inside our private Level 1 Community on the BMTV App that will connect you with the rest of the group and through this link you will access the training. The link will be sent to you via email, every day prior to each training day but to make it simple you can also use the exact same link to access each session, although we will continue to send it to you as a reminder.
What are the exact Dates and Times?Busy schedule? We got you. * We suggest you attempt to make all LIVE session although if timezones or your schedule interferes with the LIVE training, the recordings will be saved for you to watch on your own time. WEEKEND 1 5HRS - SATURDAY February 1st 10AM-1PM + 2PM-4PM EST 5HRS - SUNDAY February 2nd 10AM-1PM + 2PM- 4PM EST WEEKEND 2 5HRS - SATURDAY February 8th 10AM-1PM + 2PM-4PM EST 5HRS - SUNDAY February 9th 10AM-1PM + 2PM- 4PM EST
I don't have to much room in my Home to Move?All you need to do is move a couch, coffee table, or whatever is in your living space off to the side. Then find your physical bubble, which is usually the equivalent of you laying down on the floor like a starfish to measure the space.
Do I need any special equipment for this course?Most of this training will require no equipment. Although some of the sessions will be using a yoga mat, a wall, a chair and yoga blocks. *If you do not have a yoga block then you can easily replace this with a stack of books or pillows depending on the drill.
How do I best Prepare for the Training?Once the registration form is filled out and the deposit is paid, you will receive an email showing you exactly how to best prepare for the training. It will include a CODE for a 1 year subscription to the BMTV APP so you can start practicing right away, as well as link to our dedicated Level 1 Group inside the Private Community Section of our App.
How do I Register for the Training?Below you can find the registration form which will also lead you to paying the $500 deposit which will officially reserve your spot to the training. After registration, you will be sent an invoice of the remaining balance which must be paid in full +10 days prior to the course start date. REGISTRATION FORM
Will the Trainings be recorded?All sessions will be recorded from beginning to end and shared with everyone in the the Private BMTV Community Group. That way, when you finish your training, you can still go back and watch all the juicy details and some of the information you might’ve missed.
Are there Payment Plans available?We understand everyones finances are different. If you don’t have the means to pay the Deposit to reserve your spot, we also consider long-term instalments, but this is a special offer that you will have to contact us for directly at
Are there Refunds or Credits for the Trainings?All courses have limited availability, for this reason there are NO exceptions for refunds. If you need to change course dates, your payment is 100% FULLY TRANSFERABLE with a +10 Day notice prior to the course start date. Credits can only be used for online or in person BM System trainings.
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